Monday, January 7, 2013


As I initially began this project, I truthfully thought that it would have no ramifications on my life. I thought I would learn some cool things and that I would enjoy it, but I did not imagine that my research would change the way I look at certain aspects of my life.
Nowadays, any time I find myself texting during class, surfing the web during a speech, or playing games during a conversation, I stop and realize the extent that technology affects me personally. It really makes me appreciate the research I am doing. These moments make my topic come alive and become relatable. Every time something like this occurs, I try to put down my phone or close my computer, because I remember the value of 'real interactions'. It has really been a refreshing few months, as these have been happening often. I have found a new sense of fulfillment at the end of the day, because instead of being glued to my electronics I am bonding with and learning from others.
I never would have thought this project would be constantly on my mind, let alone affecting the way I act. Writing this, though, I realize the surprising impact my topic has had on my life.

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